1,5 for our burnt wok - pasoli GmbH

1,5 for our pre-seasoned wok

rating 1.5 for our pre-seasoned pasoli wok! 🥰

For the first time, our pre-seasoned pasoli wok was tested by the independent test magazine "Home & Garden Test".

The overall score 1.5 is composed to the aforementioned percentage values of the parent topics, which are accordingly highlighted and are partially composed of further sub-items.

1. Function (40%) - 1.7

  • Heat distribution - 1.5
  • Anti stick - 2.0
  • Grip and balance - 2.0
2. Action (30%) - 1.4
  • Cleaning - 1.4
3. Processing (20%) - 1.2

    4. Ecology (5%) - 1.3

    5. Security (5%) - 1.5

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