How do I season my wok or pan? - pasoli GmbH

How do I season my wok or pan?

Similar to a cast iron pan, you have to season your wok before using it for the first time so that it develops a so-called patina, which gives it a natural non-stick surface and protects it from rust.

Luckily, seasoning your wok/pan is a breeze!

  1. Wash the inside of your wok/pan with hot water and a little detergent. Use a soft cloth (e.g. paper towel or sponge cloth) to do this. This is the only time your wok will come into contact with detergent, unless it becomes rusty.
  2. Rinse off the detergent with hot water and dry your wok/pan thoroughly.
  3. Now place your wok/pan on the stove and heat it up.
    During this process, the color of your wok will change.
    TIP: Pan and tilt your wok on the stovetop so the color changes higher up the edge as well.
  4. Once your wok/pan is evenly heated, remove it from the heat.
  5. Now add about 1 teaspoon of sunflower / rapeseed oil to your wok/pan and spread it over the entire inside surface of the wok/pan using a paper kitchen towel.
    Be careful not to get burned!
  6. Heat your wok/pan over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. This will produce smoke, so make sure your windows are open and the extractor fan is on.
  7. Remove your wok/pan from the stove again and wipe it with a new paper kitchen towel. There may now be black residue on this towel.
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 8 until there is no more black residue on your paper kitchen towel and the inside of your wok has a golden-brown or black patina.

Now your wok/pan is ready for use.